17 Nov 2015

2016 Dutch Latte Art - The Finalists - Lieke Kersten

Early 2016 seven gifted latte art pouring baristas will fight for the ticket to Shanghai, where the World Championship will take place. Who are the baristas that want to represent the Netherlands? Let's get to know them a little better...Who is Coffeelovers' Lieke Kersten?

Photo from the SCAE Nederland Facebook album. Shot by Thari Parson

What figures did you pour for the qualifying rounds?

For my designer I poured a fish, which is tulip-based. For my free pour I poured a wave heart into a smaller cup.

How did you prepare?

To be honest, I just worked a lot. I asked other barista's and trainers for advice and tried to give my own twist on this thing.

Who inspires you when deciding what figures to pour?

My friends! I wanted my designer to be an uncomplicated and cute design, just something to put a smile on someone's face. I tried a couple of things and showed them to friends, colleagues and customers. The fish won!
The wave heart was a safe bet. Something I like to pour and know I can manage.

How long does it take to learn a new figure?

Quite long...

And how do you master a new figure?

I look at pictures and clips and try to figure it out (pun intended). If I can't get it right, I ask other barista's how it's done and practise some more.
How are you going to make sure you win the National competition?

Practise, practise, practise! My goal is not to win. The competition is way too talented to beat. It's to have a really great time and amaze myself and others with the fact that I can do this!

If you could change the Latte Art Championship format, what would you change?

It would be nice if it took place in a cafe or bar, since that is kind of our natural habitat.

Anything you would like to add?

I'm just so excited about all of this! When I heard I got into the National Championship Finals, my jaw dropped, I didn't understand. And then I just started dancing. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

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